14 rajlok: an overview

14 rajlok
  •   Loka, according to Jain mythology is finite space in the centre of infinite akash (space).
  •            It is a prismatic shape having three divisions-upper loka, middle loka and lower loka.
    ·         The shape of upper loka comprises of two trapezoidal prisms, one with a base of 5 raju, top of 1 raju, height of 3 raju and width of 7 raju, and the other with a base of 5 raju, top 5 raju, height 4 raju and width 7 raju.
    ·         The lower loka prism has a base of 7 raju top of 1 raju,  height of 7 raju and width of 7 raju The total height of loka is 14 raju and the width is uniform at every height, equal to 7 raju.
    ·         As per this shape the volumes of upper loka and lower loka are 147 cubic raju and 196 cubic raju respectively and the volume of whole loka is 343 cubic raju.
    ·         One raju is a very large distance whose exact volue is difficult to determine. One estimate puts its volue equal to 1.45x1021 miles but this is not generally accepted. The actual value may be much higher.